It's spirit week at Lola's school and yesterday was crazy hair day. Lola takes school activities very seriously and was more than willing to participate. So along with crazy hair comes a crazy outfit. I decided to have Lola dress a little on the punk rock side without going overboard. Lola wore her baby hand devil horns t-shirt and apparently was living up to the outfit all day long as you will see in the below video taken by Brody's Mom...
Aaron said he was glad to see that we aren't the only people she ignores.
Brody wore a mohawk to school but it had fallen down by the end of the day.
Editors note: The staff of Lola's blog along with Lola & her family do not support the devil however they do support cute infant t's.
That wild girl could care less about having to sit in the corner! She's a rebel!!! Now all she needs is to hang out with her cousin and learn, "no" and "mine" ... then she'll be all set!
Pshew, Editors, thanks for clarifying that. You never know with people nowadays!
Looks like $%^#$%^ on wheels to me
Grandma joni
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