All I know is that if I was a kid and this awesome tunnel was in front of me I would be all about it! I can speak for my 33 year old cousin as well, this is totally our scene! Unfortunately not so much for Lola. She sat on the other side and stared at me and if she couldn't see me she would freak out and the tears would start. I called and called and finally she thought she may give it a try...

You can see the look of terror on her face as she inches towards me.
This is as far as she got. Within seconds she turned around and got the heck out of there!
maybe she was having birth flashbacks
Don't worry, when Esther was a puppy she was afraid of the tunnel in her confidence course. Now she's a pro and loves to go through Ethan's tunnel here at home. There's hope for Lola!
Well the pig tails are the cutest thing about it all!
Lola sweetie -you ROCK!
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