That's right, I said F!! According to this growth chart Lola is not normal, so today I used this growth chart for a more practical purpose. As George was working up a nice hairball I placed it on the floor under his mouth and splat! Then I waded it all up and tossed it. It served a much more appropriate purpose! Because Lola's weight falls out of the "normal" range it was requested we see an endocrinologist. From there we were sent to the lab for blood work. We received two calls one call saying her growth hormone level was on the low side of the normal range and the other call saying her blood work came back normal. I guess it depends on who reads the results. Anyway, with the blood work coming back normal they still have to get to the bottom of the Lola weight mystery. Today we visited the nutritionist. She reviewed Lola's food diary (this is something I had to keep up with. They wanted to know what she was eating, how much and how the food was prepared), she took Lola's measurements and spent a few minutes playing with Lola. Her conclusion: "this baby is PERFECT and you are a great mother, keep up the good work!" She explained to me that doctors are trained to react when something is not "normal" they have their charts to go by and if there's something just a little off they have to investigate. I feel bad for Lola that she was put through the blood work part of this but at the same time am grateful that we can rule out any hormone or thyroid issues, she's simply a tall skinny girl!
Maybe Lola should stop by Joe's Snack Hole before she goes to school in the morning. There are lots of things to eat there, including some apples that are going to become prehistoric one of these days.
Yeah, she always seemed fine to me, if a little on the skinny side. Good news for the Browns!
And as for the part about you being a good mom -- well DUH. Was that even a question?
she's just like every other brown child - a slow starter - you could tell by looking at her that she was healthy and happy - they did the same thing to emma and ian - but at least you have the tests to prove that she's wonderful - big kisses from ooma! LOVE!
I'm with ya on the growth chart thing.
Tall and skinny - sounds like model material to me!
She's a perfect teeny preemie! Preemie only being short for Prima, of course! Give that perfect girl kisses for me!
yeah! now i only wish i had lola's metabolism!
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