Ah, I did it! I made my very first ever Thanksgiving Day feast! Ya!
I don't want to toot my own horn, ok, I will... it turned out great! I was unsure about making my first turkey but after several calls to my Mom and one call to my mother in law I finally got it in order and the turkey turned out perfect!
Bruce had a great day today. I cooked all those goodies that come in the pouch in the middle of the turkey for him! That boy was by my side all day long. He's curretnly fast asleep on the couch, I think he ate too much.
In other fantastic Lola news she has slept through the night 3 days in a row now! Ya! We've got our fingers crossed that this is a new trend that's here to stay! Way to go Lola!
The staff here at Lola's blog wishes you all a great hoiday season!
Happy 1st Thanksgiving Lola!!! I'm surprised your table could hold all the food your mom had on it ... WOW! She's amazing, isn't she??! Great job on sleeping through the night. You're such a big girl! We love you and can't wait to see you in Dec.
Way to go Lola!! Sleeping through the night. I'm looking forward to my next visit and getting a full nights sleep.
I'm glad to know the Thanksgiving feast was a success.
Show off! You're just trying to make me look bad with my Bob Evans mashed potatoes and baby who wakes up at 5 in the morning.
your holiday feast looked wonderful - good job em! and the table was so nice with the candles and pumpkins. i'll be calling you when and if i ever do a turkey! Lola looks precious in that pink suit...and keep up the new schedule of sleeping through the night...what a great way to bring in the year 2008 huh :) - Jen
I can speak first hand how delicious it was. it was good the 1st, 2nd and 3rd time I ate it!
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