Thursday, October 25 2007
We've collected the specimen, it will be transported to Children's Medical Center during my lunch break today! Until then it will be in my purse under my desk at work!
ssshhh... don't tell those nerdy engineers there's baby poop in containers under my desk. I don't ask them what's under their desk.
Hooray for poop samples. Dang, she sure does look excited about pooping into specimen cups...
It makes grandma joni so sad that she has been sick. And even sadder( is that spelled right?) that I'm not there.
She is such a trooper! Visions of volcantic puking are dancing in my head!
Miss Lola doesn't look too upset about all of this ... thank goodness! Don't you just love collecting poop samples? The little scooper digging in and then the fun part of shaking it up! Oooh ... so gross!
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