Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The kids went to the local fire department over the Labor Day weekend to pitch in and help Fill the Boot. Lola and Rowan (especially Rowan) love fire trucks so you would think that being able to see one up close and actually go inside one would be the greatest thing ever. NOT! These kids were the only two kids there AND had their own personal fireman showing them around. They froze up and wouldn't let us put them down.
Lola came out of her shell once sparky hit the scene. She was all about this dalmatian with human legs and tennis shoes. Lydia was also in on the Sparky action and even checked him for ear mites.
Crazy kids.


Lola's Grumpa said...

Jeez that's a big dog.

The Daily Squink said...

Rowan was EXTRA scared of the huge muppet. He would bury his head in my shoulder and grab onto me with his hands and legs. Lola and Lydia are totally chill. Girls are pretty cool.

Of course, once we left, Rowan cried and cried because he wanted to get back in the ladder truck.