Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rowan to Lola "me likey"

Rowan walked over with his family this afternoon so that his Mom could be one of the few people I share my Tiger Bakery with by offering her a sample platter. And by sample I mean a spoon full and she was not allowed seconds.
While Angela's taste buds were on an all expense paid vacation Lola showed off some of her new ballet moves to Rowan. Rowan seemed to enjoy the show, he even tried some of his own moves. I'm pretty sure I heard Lola tell him to stick to mowing lawns.


ooma said...

geez - and i don't suppose you saved any of those goodies for your mother in law who would about kill for tiger bakery - if i'd have thought i'd have sent money with you so you could get more treats ;0 - sounds like you had a lovely time and jen looks amazing - love to all the browns

The Daily Squink said...

Oh, those are so funny and cute! Rowan is totally like, "yeah, you think THAT'S good, check THIS out! Uh huh, uh huh, yo yo yo."

I think maybe Lola got confused and started doing a gymnastics routine on that tree.

Jeff said...

Rowan wasn't dancing, he was demonstrating his "fists of fury" move that he uses when taking on a gang of toughs.

Anonymous said...

Sweet lawn mower.