Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I win bastard Ouija Board!

Aside from the year I got my Michael Jackson birthday cake I have never been happier to have a birthday. Today, as I turn 36, is the day I have longed for. My 35th year has been haunting me since I was 14. I've done only three stupid things in my 36 years.

One: getting a lizard tattooed on my rear end

Two: getting drunk, vomiting and passing out (in the ladies locker room) at my Aunt's country club wedding. Classy, I know.

Three: asking the Ouija Board how old I was going to be when I die.

I was 14 and was at a slumber party at Kristen's house. It was my turn to ask a question so what better than "How old will I be when I die?" The answer: 35
Stupid I know but I've been thinking about this for years and am SO glad 35 has passed. Yay for me, I'm 36! For those of you (Jenny & Julie) who have stuck by me through my neurotic phone calls this past year THANK YOU for being there for me!

Now that the above rant is over here's another photo of Peggy doing everything (and other stuff):


Julie said...

Happy Birthday Primalove! So happy to have you standing right behind me and to be celebrating your b-day with you!!

Lola's Grumpa said...

Yippee for Emilee, staring your 37th year. Happy Birthday.

Maureen said...

WOW Emilee, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We used to play ouija board, but it used to freak me out too much that I wouldn't was the last time I played. I didn't realize it had been such a tough year for you--Glad it is over. The girls look adorable. Peggy looks like she is truly enjoying herself. I wish I were there too.

Katie said...

Oh my God! How scary!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Can't wait to see you!

Josie said...

Michael Jackson cake?! Holy crap! That sounds amazing. Glad you're still alive!

Lola's gigi said...


Unknown said...

happy birthday emilee! hope you enjoyed spending it in florida and not in rainy dayton with us!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Emilee!!!

ooma said...

happy birthday chica - hope you had a lovely day and we're all glad you made it thru last year ;) - love to everyone - enjoy and be safe - see you when you get back

Kim said...

Those things freak me out so much that I've always refused to touch one. If I had been you, I'd probably have died of a stroke or a heart attack over the past year just from the stress of the stupid thing's prediction!

Anyway, happy birthday! I'm so very glad to hear you're not dead.

The Daily Squink said...

Gee, a Ouija Board's prediction DIDN'T come true? Who would have thought? Good thing you didn't call me about it because I just would have made fun of you. Come to think of it, I think I DID make fun of you.

Anyway, good job making it to 36. So far, my 36 has been pretty good, so I'm sure yours will be too.

Jen and Justin said...

OMG how could i have forgotten!!!! that damn ouija board curse you set yourself up with!!! YAY!!!! Hasta La Vista, Sayonara, Au Revoi....35th!!!

Holli said...