Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Chrstmas success!

Since Lola and I are off to sunny Florida tomorrow we had Christmas today with the kids. It was such a great day!!!! Lola LOVES her new kitchen and so do we. Talk about fun, this is serious fun!
Ian scored the big time when he opened I think 7 air soft guns. He is totally into playing Army guys and guns are pretty much the coolest thing ever. I prefer he put together puzzles but that's not going to happen.
Here's the link to a handful of holiday photos.
I'll be frank here, I am a nervous wreck to fly tomorrow with Lola so I took a couple Tylenol PMs about an hour ago so that I would sleep instead of staying up all night worrying so I'm crashing fast, it's hit me like a ton of bricks and I have to go to bed now.
Merry Christmas eve!

THIS JUST IN! Ian has informed his Father that "this is the best Christmas I've ever had!"


Jackie said...

Congratulations on a successful and beautiful Christmas! Looks like you had an amazing time! I'm up early making sure everything is in place for Brody's Christmas. Hope you have a wonderful and safe flight today. She'll do great! Merry Christmas guys! We sure do miss you!

Lola said...

We miss you more!
I'm sad.

Jennifer said...

That kitchen set is probably one of the coolest I have EVER seen.

Jen and Justin said...

ALERT! ALERT! Typo Typo! now what is a christmas without Christ emilee