Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Day skate

We had a very nice Thanksgiving Day this year. It was just the four of us and I cooked up all of our favorite dishes. We had turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, everyones favorite corn pudding, green bean casserole, stuffing, cranberry sauce straight from the can, pumpkin pie and a fruit pizza that I made Wednesday as a special treat. We have been eating leftovers all weekend and as of today have polished everything off.
While waiting for the turkey Lola and her Daddy went out to the pole barn for a skate. This is one of her favorite activities.

Lola's teacher has requested a family photo for the book at school so we set up the self timer on Aaron's camera and took this one without realizing how much water Lola spilled on her shirt. Nice one. First family photo in front of the tree this year and it's ruined! She's not even looking at the camera! arugh!


Lola's gigi said...

So glad you explained the water on Lolas shirt...wouldn't want to think that was from drooling...
Cute skateboard video..where was Ian?

Holli said...

Oh my gosh (I think I start every sentence on this blog w/ that )... but she's so freaking cute! Cheethe Cheethe! Oh what a camera ham she is! What a cool dad! The dinner sounded great - shall I start calling you Martha?