Monday, November 24, 2008

segregated at school

Lately Lola has been protesting nap time at school. When she does finally fall asleep for a half hour she wakes up the other kids by saying "HI" to them. Lola's teachers are trying a new approach, putting her alone by the cubbies while the rest of the crew is on the other side of the classroom. When she wakes up she has some quiet time with a teacher until her friends wake up.
Lola is so excited for her friend Rowan to start in her class next month. I'm sure they have all kinds of shenanigans planned for those teachers.
More photos below since it's been a while since I've posted photos of Lola in the pre-toddler room.

Editor's note: I realize that there is a blanket over Lola's face in the above photo. She does this herself, Lola has to sleep with her face covered or she doesn't sleep.

Lola and Ms Michelle

Lola and Miss Bettina


Lola's gigi said...

Who would even know Lola was in the bed???

Lola's Grumpa said...

I think Lola is depriving herself of oxygen

The Daily Squink said...

She'd better not go and wake my sweet little baby up, or there'll be hell to pay!

Jackie said...

You can't even tell she's under that blanket! Brody needs to show her how to sleep with her butt straight up in the air. I am cracking up that she has her own cubby to sleep in.

Jen and Justin said...

wow protesting a nap in the middle of day, really lola? i only wish i were you & could nap in the afternoon. i know your mom has the same wish!