Friday, September 5, 2008

Let the tea parties begin!

Aaron and I took Lola to IKEA on Tuesday to pick out a table & chairs set for her bedroom. If you haven't been IKEA is a pretty fantastic place. We spent about 2 1/2 hours there and even had dinner in the cafe. (I had the Swedish meatballs, yummm) It was kind of like eating dinner in a restaurant in space. During our 2 1/2 hour visit we didn't even make it through the entire store however this IKEA was so much more relaxed than the one in Chicago, that place was a madhouse. Anyway... I finished painting the table and chairs yesterday and she had her first tea party after her bath this evening.

I am now extra excited for her kitchen from GiGi & Grandma Joni to arrive however I can't give it to her until Christmas. It's going to be so hard to wait that long but I'm pretty sure I can do it!!!! Can I?
Is she too young for the Easy Bake Oven?

Lola says "DRINK THE TEA MOMMY!!!!"

P.S. It's 7:43. Lola is in bed because she goes to bed at 7:00 and Aaron is in bed because he has a headache form using some tool on concrete all day. The house is fairly clean so I'm going to curl up on the couch and watch a Lifetime movie or something on E! depends what's on. aaahhhh! Relaxing!

Darn it... kitty litter. I'll relax in a few.


Mel said...

Emily she has to be one of the cutest little girls EVER:) I love her new bedroom and WOW you are pretty creative with the table and chairs!!! I can totally tell she is a girly-girl:)

Lola's gigi said...

Teach the kitty to go outside...get Lola a sandbox, that will do it.
Love the table and chairs, I can't wait to come to a tea party, if only these hurricanes would get out of here..

Lola's Grumpa said...

The table and chairs look pretty neat. I think that oven deal is the thing kids get burnt on., and don't forget choke hazards. I hate to be a buzzkill, but I do work where I work, and melancolia is becoming the norm, so I think of these things.

Lola's Grandma said...

Luv Lola's new dinning set. I can't wait for a tea party. Will she also serve wine?

Brody said...

I want NO part of that girlie tea set when I come to visit you in 2 weeks. Just put on Sports Center and give me a cold root beer, and I'll be set! But my mom told me to tell you it's very pretty - yuck - girlie stuff!

Jen and Justin said...

i expect a very fancy tea party from you lola, on that cute table your mom painted for you, when i come visit next Sat. So you have a week to get yourself prepared!