Friday, June 27, 2008

Lola is all about Mommy...

...when Daddy is nowhere near

Lola is pretty much a Daddy's girl right now. They say the kids go through phases and since she was in a Mommy phase the first 10 months of her life it's only fair for Daddy that she's currently all about him.
As luck would have it she's all about me when he's not around and since I am the one that picks her up from school each day I reap the benefits of super excited greeter!
In the below videos you will see Lola greeting me when I picked her up from school yesterday and the video after that shows Lola feeding Daddy spaghetti for dinner (yes, she only has on a bib.. cut me some slack, we were eating spaghetti).


The Daily Squink said...

Yeah, with that messy stuff, you really can't let them wear clothes when they eat. It would be laundry suicide!

Lola's gigi said...

I can't wait to get to Bellbrook so Lola can help me eat too!!

Lola's Grumpa said...