Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's pink eye

Lola's school called me today to tell me I needed to remove her from the classroom, "she may have pink eye!" the director said. Apparently this is a big deal! I called the doctor immediately and made an appointment for her. The doctor confirmed that she does have pink eye and needs to be treated with azithromycin for 5 days and can't go back to school until Thursday. Aside from the gnarly green goo coming from the corner of her eye there's nothing pink about it. I'm thankful we got her to the doctor before the infection got worse and Aaron is thankful for this awesome new sweatshirt of Tigger playing golf! Let me express how much Aaron loves Disney characters on his clothes! This is the perfect addition to his wardrobe! His next tattoo is going to be Winnie the Pooh on his back! It will be so cool!


Anonymous said...

so, who in the world thought that aaron looked like a golfing tigger man?? too funny! and the poor girl - just make sure she doesn't stick her fingers in your eyes cause that lovely green crud is no fun - LOVE! ooma

Anonymous said...

The skull tattoos are compensating for Aaron's warm and cozy adoration for disney characters. You should ask melissa about the t-shirt I got for christmas.

Anonymous said...

P.S. The t-shirt is really cool, and by really cool, I mean retarded.

Anonymous said...

So glad I'll never again have to ask what I should get Aaron for his birthday, Xmas, etc....
I'll always know I can't go wrong with Disney!!!
Love, GiGi
Oh, and Lola is going to be thrilled with you someday, about the pink eye picture...

Julie said...

I'll have to show Celia this pic too ... she's going to say, "uuuuhhh" about her cousins eye! Aaron is HOT ... he's totally got Ed's hot tub pic beat!